Revolutionizing Customer Support with AI: The Maria Case

Our client, a small Internet Service Provider, was facing significant customer dissatisfaction with their existing multi-channel chatbot. Clients frequently expressed frustration with comments like "I don't want to talk to a machine," and the lack of support outside business hours only compounded the issue. Recognizing the need for a more sophisticated solution, we stepped in to revolutionize their customer service approach.

Enter Maria—an AI-driven chatbot we developed using PHP, designed to seamlessly integrate with the ISP's management systems. Maria's primary role is to identify customers by matching their contact information with the ISP's database. If a match isn’t found, Maria efficiently requests additional identification, such as a document number, to ensure accuracy. Once identified, Maria pulls up the customer’s account details and, through advanced API integration, gathers real-time technical data on the customer's equipment—checking signal strength, router connectivity, data traffic, and even assessing if there are widespread issues in the area.

But Maria's capabilities go beyond simple data retrieval. Leveraging the power of OpenAI’s API (Chat-GPT, Maria processes this information to provide tailored, intelligent responses. She was meticulously trained using a combination of real customer interactions and technical documentation, ensuring she can resolve nearly 70% of common issues, from fixing connectivity problems to guiding customers through changing their Wi-Fi password.

What truly sets Maria apart is her ability to offer 24/7 support, something that was previously unavailable. Customers now experience faster resolutions and a more personalized service, even outside regular business hours. If Maria encounters an issue she can't solve, she doesn’t hit a dead end—she escalates the problem to a human technician for further assistance.

Looking ahead, we're working on future updates that will empower Maria to generate service tickets directly for field technicians when critical issues like a severed cable are detected. Additionally, Maria will soon be able to remind customers of unpaid bills during their conversations and provide convenient payment options, further enhancing the customer experience.

With Maria, our client has seen a dramatic improvement in customer satisfaction and operational efficiency, turning what was once a point of frustration into a key competitive advantage.

Intelligent Automation for a Clinical Laboratory


At Metrik Solutions, we’re committed to driving innovation in the healthcare industry through cutting-edge technology. One of our recent projects involved transforming the operations of a clinical laboratory with the integration of intelligent automation. The laboratory initially relied on a traditional system built in Laravel, which facilitated the traceability and management of medical reports. However, the process involved significant manual work, with pathologists writing reports, secretaries reviewing them, and patients or doctors downloading the final versions.

Recognizing the potential for improvement, we set out to automate and optimize this process using artificial intelligence. After carefully evaluating various options, including training an open-source model like Meta’s LLaMA 3, we decided to leverage OpenAI's pre-trained model for its superior performance and accuracy. We trained an AI agent with over 30 GB of medical information and historical reports provided by the client. This extensive training allowed the system to accurately interpret complex medical data and streamline the reporting process.

The result is a powerful AI-driven module that not only automates the correction of medical reports but also enhances their quality. The system now reviews reports for grammatical and typographical errors and cross-checks the content against uploaded medical images, identifying potential discrepancies. This feature significantly reduces the likelihood of human error, ensuring that the reports are both accurate and reliable, which is crucial in a clinical setting.

What sets this solution apart is its ability to provide real-time feedback to healthcare professionals. The system not only corrects errors but also offers suggestions for improving the clarity and accuracy of the reports. Additionally, it alerts the pathologist to any inconsistencies between the medical images and the written descriptions, thus acting as a second layer of review before the report is finalized.

Looking ahead, we are planning future updates that will further enhance this system. These updates will include the ability to generate contextual bibliographic references, offering medical professionals access to relevant literature that supports the findings in the reports. This will not only enrich the quality of the reports but also provide added value to the patients and doctors who rely on them for critical decision-making.

With this AI-powered automation system, the clinical laboratory has significantly improved its operational efficiency and report accuracy, setting a new standard in medical reporting. Metrik Solutions is proud to contribute to the advancement of healthcare technology, ensuring that our clients can deliver the highest level of service to their patients.

AI-Powered Email Responder

At Metrik Solutions, we understand the challenges businesses face when managing high volumes of email communications. For one of our clients, this challenge had become a significant drain on time and resources, as they received numerous emails daily that could benefit from automated responses. Recognizing the potential of artificial intelligence to streamline this process, we embarked on developing a sophisticated email responder module that would revolutionize their email management system.

The solution we created was a custom module built in Python, designed to seamlessly integrate with the client’s existing email infrastructure. This module automatically downloads incoming emails and utilizes the powerful API from OpenAI to generate accurate and context-aware responses. The AI agent was meticulously trained with the client’s own data, including PDFs, bibliographic materials, and a wealth of previous email correspondences, ensuring that the responses are not only accurate but also align with the company’s tone and policies.

One of the standout features of this module is its ability to draft responses that feel personalized and thoughtful, despite being automated. Once an email is processed, the system generates a draft response and sends it to the client for final review before it is sent out. This step ensures that the client maintains control over their communications while benefiting from the efficiency of automation.

In addition to saving time, this AI-powered module enhances the consistency of email responses, ensuring that every message reflects the client’s standards of professionalism. The system is also designed to learn and improve over time, adapting to new types of inquiries and refining its responses to meet evolving customer expectations.

Looking forward, we are exploring further enhancements to this module, including the integration of advanced analytics that will provide the client with insights into common customer inquiries and overall email performance. This will empower the client to continually refine their communication strategies and improve customer satisfaction.

With this intelligent email responder, our client has dramatically reduced the time spent on routine email tasks, allowing their team to focus on more strategic activities. At Metrik Solutions, we’re proud to deliver AI solutions that drive efficiency and elevate the customer experience.